CwG: A motherless day of pain for some.

Mothers Day. This is a day where we honor those who mothered us literally or figuratively. Its a day where we reflect on those women of all kinds who served to guide us on our paths.

We must also remember that for some people this day is very difficult. Walking around feeling like a motherless child is difficult especially on this day. Yes, I am talking about those who have lost their mothers. I am really talking about those of us who have no connection to a mother-figure in their lives for various reasons. Perhaps there is a feud in the family that has severed that person’s relationship with their mother. For others, perhaps they have been disowned from their families because of situations in their lives..whether good or bad. For people like that, this day can be incredibly difficult.

Please be aware of those around you on this Mother’s Day. If you know of someone who has this ache in their heart, please reach out to them. It is a day where we feel the depth of our hurt even greater. And, yes, I’m in this group of people. While I honor those women guided me as I moved through my life, my heart still hurts every year. Whatever the reasons are a part of our story which perhaps only a few people will understand.

For all of you who are in this space as this day approaches, you are not alone.


Posted by on May 8, 2015 in CWG-Daily Roast

